I regularly give talks to various organisations throughout Cheshire. My topics cover local and family history, Domesday and Medieval Cheshire, Salt making, Cheshire churches, Genealogy & Heraldry.
I currently (2023) charge £70 inclusive (Cheques payable to ‘A.J.Bostock’ please)
All talks are illustrated using computerised projection.
A schedule of talks I am giving in 2025 is available via this link
MARY FITTON: The Life and Loves of an Elizabethan Maid of Honour. Mary was the daughter of Edward Fitton of Gawsworth who became one of Queen Elizabeth I's favourites but went on to cause outrage at the court of Queen Elizabeth. Some say she is Shakespeare's 'Dark Lady of the Sonnets.
CHESHIRE’S HISTORIC HOUSES (NEW TALK). Cheshire was once known as ‘the seed pot of gentility’. A look at some of the historic gentry houses and their treasures.
CHESHIRE’S ANCIENT PARISH CHURCHES. This talk is about some of the many fascinating medieval churches and their treasures.
CHESHIRE'S OLD VILLAGES. Exploring some of the attractive villages in the County and something of their past.
CHESHIRE PUBS & PUB SIGNS. A look at some of the many attractive old Cheshire pubs and the stories behind their signs.
CHESHIRE’S ANCIENT MARINER. The life of Sir George Beeston of Beeston - a Tudor hero.
THE HOLCROFTS OF VALE ROYAL. The career of Sir Thomas Holcroft - Tudor courtier, soldier and spy master - and his son, Sir Thomas II.
‘DOGS OF WAR’ . Sir Hugh Calveley and Sir Robert Knolles were two Cheshire heroes and mercenary commanders of the Hundred Years’ War who became very wealthy on the profits of war. Their reputation was legendary in their own life-times and they were greatly feared by the French and anyone else who opposed them.
VALE ROYAL ABBEY: A FAILED ENTERPRISE? The history of this well-known Cheshire Abbey from its foundation to its eventual demise.
CHESHIRE’S MONUMENTS TO THE PAST (1) & (2). A look at some of the wonderful monumental effigies to be found in Cheshire churches. Part 1 covers the medieval period and Part 2 covers the Tudor and Stuart periods
THE HERALDIC SCREENS OF MIDDLEWICH. This talk describes and explains the meaning of these unique 17th century screens which depict the history of the Venables family.
THE COLOUR OF HERALDRY. The art and colour of heraldry brought to life with local examples. The talk will also cover the subject’s importance in genealogical and local history studies.
NORTHWICH IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. An examination of the social and economic life of a Cheshire salt town during the 17th century.
MOULTON: SOMETHING OF ITS ORIGINS AND HISTORY. The story of a typical Cheshire village, Moulton’s history is traced from its origins as a medieval hamlet to industrial village.
BOSTOCK GREEN: SOMETHING OF ITS ORIGINS AND HISTORY. The history of a Cheshire township and its hall is traced from its origins as a medieval hamlet to sleepy village.
MEDIEVAL SALT MAKING IN CHESHIRE. This talk looks at the early methods and rules in the three towns of Northwich, Middlewich and Nantwich.
PLACE NAMES AND FIELD NAMES: A SOURCE FOR LOCAL HISTORY. Names of towns and villages, and those of fields, hold clues to interpreting the past. In this talk the meanings of Cheshire names will be discussed and how they can assist in the understanding the local history of an area.
EARLY SOURCES FOR THE FAMILY HISTORIAN. Using modern sources for genealogy it is reasonable to trace a family back to circa 1800, but what about earlier, the 18th and 17th centuries?
MY GENEALOGICAL JOURNEY. An account of my researches into the Bostock name conducted over many decades. The talk covers the methods used along with the problems encountered. This is an interesting and amusing talk from which family historians might gather some ideas for themselves.